Knowledge & Understanding

Be knowledgeable about LGBTIQ+-sensitive referral networks.


Quality Improvement Activity Ideas

GP and clinical staff professional development

  • Existing GPs, practice nurses, and other health professionals to become more knowledgeable in LGBTIQ+-sensitive referral networks.

    These may include:

  • Sexual health and HIV

  • Services for PrEP or PEP for HIV prevention.

  • Gender affirmation health care

  • Access to hormones and surgery, to medically affirm gender or manage an intersex variation.

  • Support to change identity documentation. Social support and connection

LGBTIQ+ specific services directory

  • Create a local directory of these services which is easily accessible for GPs and other referrers at the practice.

  • Ensure details of such service are readily available in the waiting room.

Resources / Training

Resources on LGBTIQ+ sensitive referral networks:

· The trans GP module (60 minutes)

Resources to help with creating LGBTIQ+ specific referral directory:

· Directory of LGBTIQ+ Services (under continual review)

· Thorne Harbour Health – Health services and programs aimed at LGBTI Communities

· National LGBTI Health Alliance

· Switchboard Phone: 1800 729 367, Text: 0480 017 246

NB. Visitor support schemes, including online, are also available for LGBTIQ+ elders, coordinated nationally by Silver Rainbow.