Knowledge & Understanding
Be knowledgeable about LGBTIQ+-sensitive referral networks.
Quality Improvement Activity Ideas
GP and clinical staff professional development
Existing GPs, practice nurses, and other health professionals to become more knowledgeable in LGBTIQ+-sensitive referral networks.
These may include:
Sexual health and HIV
Services for PrEP or PEP for HIV prevention.
Gender affirmation health care
Access to hormones and surgery, to medically affirm gender or manage an intersex variation.
Support to change identity documentation. Social support and connection
LGBTIQ+ specific services directory
Create a local directory of these services which is easily accessible for GPs and other referrers at the practice.
Ensure details of such service are readily available in the waiting room.
Resources / Training
Resources on LGBTIQ+ sensitive referral networks:
· The trans GP module (60 minutes)
Resources to help with creating LGBTIQ+ specific referral directory:
· Directory of LGBTIQ+ Services (under continual review)
· Thorne Harbour Health – Health services and programs aimed at LGBTI Communities
· National LGBTI Health Alliance
· Switchboard Phone: 1800 729 367, Text: 0480 017 246
NB. Visitor support schemes, including online, are also available for LGBTIQ+ elders, coordinated nationally by Silver Rainbow.