Quality Improvement Standards

The RACGP defines continuous quality improvement as an ongoing activity undertaken within a general practice. The primary aim is to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of healthcare delivered to patients. The RACGP 5th Edition Standards for General Practice describes Quality Improvement as an activity undertaken within a general practice where the primary purpose is to monitor, evaluate or improve the quality of health care delivered by the practice. 

The Key requirements for quality improvement are: 

·       The improvement is informed by data, so the impact of changes can be measured. Data can be drawn from a variety of sources, including feedback from patients, team members in the practice, and clinical data analysis.  

·       All members of the team are involved on a routine basis.  


Meeting the Quality Improvement Standards for accreditation  


QI Standard 1 Criterion 1.1 - Quality improvement activities  

By completing the simple checklist, identifying, and implementing strategies and recording these improvements, your practice will have evidence of meeting this criterion.  

QI Standard 1 Criterion 1.2 - Patient feedback 

Where these quality improvement activities also include collecting and responding to feedback from clients, your practice will have evidence to support meeting this criterion.  

QI Standard 1 Criterion 1.3 - Improving clinical care

In addition, if the quality improvement activity has improved clinical care (such as taking appropriate sexual histories and understanding the specific health risks that relate to LGBTIQ+ people) your practice will have evidence to support meeting this criterion. 


Quality Improvement Plan 


According to RACGP Standards for general practice 5th edition 

Your practice could maintain a quality improvement plan and a register of quality improvement activities showing which have been undertaken, and their outcomes. 

Using a quality improvement plan and register means you can: 

• track quality improvement efforts 

• identify whether improvements were made or other efforts are required to address the quality issue 

• reduce duplication of effort and time 

• evaluate the plan and effect of the activities conducted 

• provide a learning tool for members of the practice team who want to be involved in improvement activities. 


So simply start by selecting manageable activities from this toolkit that the practice team can get involved in or are passionate about.  If you would like support for your practice, contact your Primary Health Network Provider Support Officer.